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Welcome to Freeos

Freeos (rhymes with “free us”) is an Economic System that gives access to an easily accessible, democratic, crypto income for everyone.

Freeos is managed directly by the people, for the people.

What is Freeos?

A Community-Managed Decentralised Economic System

Govern the monetary policy, weekly, to earn a crypto income.

How Does it Work?

It works by letting everyone vote in a collective monetary policy to earn an income in FREEOS tokens weekly. This reflects the collective will of the community, promoting fairness and transparency.
Why is it Important?

This vote is important because the monetary policy is designed to support a healthy price of the FREEOS token—through many innovative features and systems that govern supply and demand dynamics.

How to participate?

Get Started Now

Freeos is free to enter and start using. Participation only costs minutes of time each week to vote.

  • Download the WebAuth wallet and setup your Proton account.
  • Verify your identity at identity.metallicus.com
  • Join and participate in an economy that grows with the people.
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Freeos Economic DAO

Freeos is a Decentralized Autonomous Organization (DAO) that provides a decentralized, flexible economic model functioning independently when other systems fail. In turbulent times, Freeos offers a resilient alternative not reliant on central points of failure.

As a DAO, Freeos ensures democratic governance with every participant having an equal vote in decision-making. This promotes fairness and transparency, allowing the community to manage the economic system directly.

Freeos envisions a diverse, borderless community where participants receive a supplementary income governed by a democratically controlled fiscal policy. Through a democratic voting process on monetary policy, Freeos creates an internal community currency and marketplace driven by its members' needs and choices.

By serving as both a primary and backup economic model, Freeos empowers users with freedom of choice and fosters competition, encouraging improvements in traditional systems while offering a robust alternative. Ultimately, Freeos enables people to govern their economic destiny through cooperative and democratic principles.

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Main Purpose Of Freeos

Freeos is free to enter and start using. Participation only costs minutes of time each week to vote.



Cooperation is what we do. Freeos is cooperation as a currency. How we value Freeos is how we value cooperation.

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What benefits us, benefits others. What benefits others, benefits us. The widest us possible—the people AND the planet, and even beyond. The weekly income in FREEOS tokens is the benefit for us personally—and also the benefit for each other.

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Give + Earn

Earn while we’re giving. Give while we’re earning. Every vote in the Freeos Economic System is a gift to ourselves AND others.

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Choose together. Cooperate together. Benefit together. Create value together. Through Freeos we make decisions that benefit all.

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Empowerment is at the core of Freeos. Through collective decision-making and shared ownership, we empower individuals to take control of their financial futures.

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The Commons are our shared resources. Freeos aims to protect and grow the Commons, ensuring that resources are available for all, now and in the future.

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Freedom through economic independence. Freeos provides the tools and opportunities for individuals to achieve true financial freedom.

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Democracy is fundamental to Freeos. Every participant has a voice and a vote in the system, ensuring that decisions are made collectively and fairly.

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Your Questions Answered

Discover more about Freeos, its benefits, governance, and how you can be a part of this innovative economic system.

How does Freeos work?

Freeos operates by allowing its community members to vote on monetary policies each week. These votes help manage the supply and demand dynamics of FREEOS tokens, aiming to maintain a healthy token price. Participation is simple and free, requiring just a few minutes each week to vote.

Who can join Freeos?

Anyone can join Freeos. The system is designed to attract a diverse group of participants, including community leaders, cooperatives, DAOs, freedom advocates, and blockchain enthusiasts. The inclusive nature of Freeos ensures that a wide variety of individuals and organizations can participate and benefit.

What makes Freeos different from traditional economic systems?

Freeos differs from traditional economic systems by being fully decentralized and community-driven. It eliminates intermediaries, promotes direct democratic participation, and aligns individual and collective incentives. The system is designed to be resilient, providing an alternative economic model that can function independently of central points of failure.

What is Freeos?

Freeos is a decentralized economic system that provides a universal basic income (UBI) through its community-driven cryptocurrency, FREEOS. Participants vote on monetary policies weekly, which directly influences the distribution and value of the FREEOS tokens. The system aims to be resilient and flexible, functioning alongside or independently of traditional financial systems.

What are the benefits of participating in Freeos?

Participants in Freeos benefit from receiving a weekly income in FREEOS tokens. This system promotes cooperation, democracy, and peer-to-peer connections, rewarding individuals based on their contributions. It also aims to support local economies and create a sustainable financial ecosystem.

How is Freeos governed?

Freeos is governed democratically through a decentralized autonomous organization (FreeDAO). This governance model ensures that every participant has a say in economic decisions, adhering to the principle of one-person-one-vote. The community collectively decides on fiscal policies and other key aspects of the economic system.