
Where you earn is where you shop.

As the Freeos App evolves, more marketplaces for goods and services will be available to allow the community to spend and earn more of their tokens.

It is like putting a bank or an ATM next to the shops—once the community comes into the App multiple times a week to vote & earn, there will be opportunities to offer goods and services to each community member.  This increases usage and allows economic activity to flow.

And did we mention that using Freeos is transaction & gas free?  Transactions also happen instantly and easily—allowing for physical marketplaces to also emerge.

Virtual Marketplaces

Since the Freeos system—and its tokens—are based on blockchain, the most straightforward marketplaces are virtual, online marketplaces.

There is already an early marketplace to bid on NFTs using the FREEOS token that was developed for the early AirClaim Phase.

There will be more virtual marketplaces in the future that provide more goods and services than simply just NFTs.

And the FreeDAO Foundation will be looking to run hackathons to help establish tools, services, games and dApps that utilise FREEOS.  We will be announcing this once FreeDAO has its basic DAO tools launched.

Stay tuned to watch this space as there are more details yet to come.

Real-World Marketplaces

It is encouraged to find ways to bring Freeos into actual marketplaces around the world.

If enough people start earning Freeos in a particular location, there is great potential for local markets and those providing services to accept FREEOS—or even FREEBI—tokens to want to attract these new customers.

So bring more people into the Freeos system in your local area, ask local vendors if they would accept FREEOS and let’s see what kind of local community economics can be established!

We will be providing tools and materials to help establish local communities—so keep an eye on this space!

If anyone would like to help establish some local workshops, and community gatherings, please contact us here.

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